The Wonders of Iodine

Today, I accidentally took a double dose of iodine this morning and now feel as though I can accomplish anything.  This reminds me how true it is that this may well be the missing piece for those with low energy (like I’ve been having for quite some time, battling a specific infection that is said to be one of the last “layers” of the health “onion”, which I will be discussing more as I make more progress, and has been the reason for the lull in my posting in more recent months). Iodine is antimicrobial and this combats a awe- provoking array of illnesses. Food poisoning from salmonella is one mentioned by Dr. Hulda Clark. It’s notorious in some circles of the natural health field for supporting those with low thyroid.
Manifestations of this can be hair loss, thinning eyebrows, even bags under the eyes, as well as cold hands and feet, low mood and constipation. Acne can be another indicator of low iodine as it demonstrates infection being improperly controlled in the body. Other than being necessary for the thyroid alone, iodine is necessary for reproductive health in men and women, supporting the tissues and ridding the body of fibroids. This can be an essential missing link for endometriosis, uterine fibroids, PCOS, and fibrotic breast tissue (R). Iodine is also said to combat tumor growth as well as various kinds of cancer (R). Iodine is needed to combat halogens that can be disruptive to the thyroid like chlorine and bromine, we’re often exposed to in modern society. It also up-regulates oxygen in the body which is needed to rid the body of cancer and other diseases. This powers the mitochondria (R) against chronic fatigue as well as virtually all other diseases that plague us, shortening our telomeres, a known marker of life expectancy and DNA health.
The undeniable effects this can have on energy and mood, I wonder, might replace the “need” in some for antidepressants, Ritalin, or other stimulants like adderall.
Iodine can be especially helpful used in a sinus rinse for those facing chronic congestion. This allows the entire head to drain, as it’s the largest lymphatic detoxification pathway coming from the head, thinning mucus and killing unwanted microbes. This may help people with headaches as well as earaches. Ingesting adequate doses of iodine internally, in my experience, has had a very noticeable impact on the ears as well and proper drainage, releasing that clogged or stuffy feeling in the head that can so easily lead to brain fog and inactivity. Iodine also has a property of detoxifying metals and the other pollutants such as pesticides.

For dosing, it is necessary to start very slow with  and work one’s way up (I’ve been up to this dose that I accidentally doubled before, and am supporting my detox pathways, and taking cofactors so fortunately, it wasn’t an issue for me). Those necessary cofactors include real (not refined table) salt for sodium and chloride, selenium (or Brazil nuts, a food source when actually harvested from a rainforest or Brazil— responsibly of course), and vitamin C.
Iodine used to be prescribed like antibiotics are  now and the daily required intake was hundreds of times what it now is before modern medicine proliferated and began substituting prescription antibiotics for infections, synthetic thyroid hormones to mimic as opposed to feed proper thyroid function, etc. . Most of us are actually  deficient which explains the poor mitochondrial function, chronic fatigue and infection we experience rampantly, often to no avail. Disclaimer: ensure you don’t have an “autoimmune thyroid”.  Or “allergic”. Granted, some suggest that this “allergic” type of reaction can actually result from the body detoxifying heavy metals and other chemicals as iodine can bind to these and carry them out of the body. This, too, is why it’s so important to support the liver. And certainly work with a practitioner if you’re going to take anything beyond kelp or seafood as your source. 

Good sources include, for starters, include Bioactive Carbon iodine (this is formulated with a binder built in which is said to help for those experiencing or more vulnerable to die off. Though no one size fits all dosage necessarily works for everyone, you may wish to start with half or even a quarter of a capsule to begin with, especially if you tend to be a sensitive person. Additionally, they provide a mineral product to ensure you’re getting aforementioned cofactors), kelp, wild seafood, or,— can’t suggest since I’m not a medical doctor and significant risks do exist— Lugol’s iodine. I wouldn’t suggest anyone start with this and to be very careful— consult with a practitioner to help you. It would be absolutely vital to slow and listen to your body with concentrated sources of iodine like Lugol’s or even nascent (though nascent is less potent and some have an easier time with). One would want to start with kelp and that may provide plenty of benefit alone. I prefer Icelandic kelp, due to less pollutants in the water it grows. Heart palpitations are a sign of iodine excess, poor detoxification, a herxheimer reaction or one of the pieces mentioned above missing. It is also vital, though seemingly common sense, that although the recent health trends may have you believing otherwise, you need to be getting plenty of calories to ensure you’re giving your body what it needs to support the body and provide energy for whatever your body may be dealing with or releasing, especially starting or increasing iodine dosage.

Please let me know in the comments below what your experience has been taking iodine!


  1. Leslie Avatar

    Hi I know your Dad he is one great man .He gave me your page . My concern is I have high Cholesteryl he had me go get I can’t pronounce it .But I did for a year and nothing changed my Cholesteryl is 200 I don’t eat fried food and I don’t eat potatoes.since October I have eaten Oatmeal everyday. I will go a get blood test sometime this month .If you can help me lower it . Please let me know

    1. paigeforwellness Avatar

      Leslie, addressing your liver and gallbladder are necessary for getting to the cause. I have posts about both topics here on the blog, you can find them by typing them into the search. If you’d like to get a more in- depth, personalized analysis, feel free to contact me at for a consultation or Q and A.

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